I don't want to say anything for this book because it's beyond every word that I say. Before going into the review let me tell some feelings that I personally had when reading this book. Life is not what it is. There is something called DEATH that everyone of us must encounter which may be just an end or a tragic end. We dream a lot of our future and desires. But is that all going to be the same? Who knows what is waiting for us on the other side of time? Life is more than the silly things that we worry about. We run and run daily with a hope that tomorrow will be better than today. But will it? Nothing is precious than present. Life is the biggest game in which rules keep changing. At the tip of the edge if we turn back will the path be contented and happy or will it be full of struggles? . We don't know we literally do not know wat are we and why are we living. This book gave so many such thought to me...Paul Kalanithi is a neurosurgeon who in his early age was diagnosed with lung cancer in its advanced stage. From being a doctor who strives in saving patients from misery he himself was struck into an unexpected trap. His life was entirely shattered with every hope of tomorrow diminishing every day. He writes about his feelings in his last days of his life. One of the best explanations given was about science and God. There is some supreme power beyond every scientific theories. Science is merely human created proofs that satisfies every happenings around. It is merely something which we have created to satisfy ourselves. Is that entirely true that everything in science happens as it appears. What if there are something happening behind? Who knows? Life just goes on... Finally, no words are enough just go and read to realize yourself.
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